Thursday, June 25, 2009

Far Away and Never Alone

I hope Rachel doesn't mind me borrowing her Facebook album name for these pictures as the title...but it just fits so nicely! {Considering that you've watched our music video}

So, we stayed up all night filming the Tavern night scenes, and then got up early to film the outside morning scenes while the sunlight was beautiful (great rooster crowing and bird tweeting sound effects were abundant too!). In the movie, the morning scenes will come first.

The young Tavern maids doing their chores.

Mischievous Eleanor (Rachel Read).

Eleanor runs away.

The young Tavern maids search for Eleanor. The sash that Angela (center) is wearing is the first piece that Abigail and I wove on the table loom.

Young Tavern maids Colette (Abigail Read), Adelia (Angela Abbott) and Cecily (Mary Read) confront Eleanor.
Eleanor explains herself away.

Jasyar (Joseph Read) realizes there is a mysterious man in the corner watching him.

The ominous symbol tattooed on the bicep of Sarkov (Andrew Abbott) {Note: Just the work of my black ink and paintbrush ;-)}.

"I'm sure I've seen that symbol before..."

"Have you ever seen that man before?"

"That man? Sarkov? Never seen him before in my life!"(obviously, the teasing Tavern maid Eleanor doesn't give a wit. ;-)

Adelia makes up for it. "Actually, he comes here a lot, but he never eats...just sits there..."

Kinco (David Abbott), Jasyar's comrade. "Is he looking for someone specific?"

Constance (Amanda Read) fusses over the Tavern guests' menu.

"That man? He just takes up Tavern seating space and scares away the other guests!" The head Tavern mistress is no-nonsense and rather harsh!


Sarkov goes ballistic...and Andrew messed up the scene more than once by misunderstanding the use of the direction, "knock over the chess pieces". Of course, Rachel pranked him by pouring real wine in his Tavern glass, which might have made him a bit tipsy. Haha!

David just about had it with this scene.

Trivia: Over a dozen lit candles were used in the Tavern night scene.
Trivia: Amanda Read (age 19) is the camera director, but Abigail Read (age 12) takes her place when she is acting in a scene.

I've already added some of these screenshots to the Flickr album (which has a slide show on the sidebar). We improved the costumes...but I'll admit that they look much better on camera than they do in reality. The sewing machine all but broke down on us (it really needs a tune up), so we had to make do with what we had already completed before we couldn't stand using the thing anymore.

Coming Soon: Costume design drawings/paintings that I did of each of the might be surprised!

Also, Joseph and Andrew have a light saber duel production of their own that I filmed and will be posted as soon as the editing is done. Also, check out this funny video on Andrew's YouTube of six year old David Read (who actually plays the role of young Jasyar in The Called and the Chosen) beating up boys twice his age:


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